NAMM Day 1
On to the goods...
One of the pieces of gear that really peaked our interest was the new Rane TTM57SL mixer. The nice thing about it is that it has the Scratch Live scratch amp built into the mixer and it also comes with the Scratch Live software. (see pic below)

Not only does the TTM57 have the scratch amp essentially built in, but it also has added controls for controlling the software from the mixer itself. What kind of functions you ask? Well, when the mixer comes out around the summer time, Scratch Live will have implemented effects into the program and the mixer will actually be able to control the effects parameters, too! This piece is definitely going to be a hot item once it's released and we have already placed our order for some.
Another cool piece we saw was the HDC-01 Digital Music Controller from Cortex. What this piece is a dual CD player controller that you can hook into an external hard drive or iPod and play and control your music files from it! It takes the laptop out of the equation while still letting you play songs off of your hard drive. This unit is a very interesting piece and could really change the mobile DJ industry. We were told that the product won't be released until later in the year, so keep checking back to for more info. Here's a pic in the meantime, though.

We are now off to hit the sack. We have another full day of appointments and are looking forward as to what new products we will get to see tomorrow. Until then, have a wonderful evening.
DJ Biff
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